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Bushcraft & the Art of Gift Giving

Woodland Ways - Hand Made Pyrography

In 1999 I met a wonderful woman who would later become my wife. Over the years we’ve been lucky enough to share over 100 calendared opportunities to buy each other gifts. Including birthdays, anniversaries, valentines and, of course, Christmases.

A few years ago we discussed the idea of making each other's gifts. This provided a wonderful freedom to craft something unique and meaningful for each other.  To be able to create gifts that required real thought and time. We have made this an essential part of our giving ever since and it has become my favourite way to show love and gratitude through gifting.

When our Son arrived we were became even more conscious of how we approached gift giving, particularly at this time of year.  We were, and still are, anxious to avoid piles of overwhelming and quickly discarded plastic and try to replace these with fewer, more meaningful and long lasting gifts.

Over recent years I have realized that I have a real need to make things. Keeping my hands busy with various projects, planning and crafting, brings me an enormous amount of joy. Having something creative to focus on has been so beneficial for my mental health and the feeling of a finished product in my hands gives a tremendous sense of achievement. I have found myself making copious lists and planning multiple projects whenever I feel in need of an injection of dopamine. From a new sheath for my knife, a leather cover for a tinder box, a simple carved spoon or even an axe. 

Each time I begin planning a new endeavor I find myself thinking of the bushcraft community through which I have been lucky enough to have been introduced to numerous, incredibly talented, passionate people.  Each with their own particular skill set and expertise and from whom I have drawn extraordinary inspiration and knowledge.

I consider myself fortunate to come from a very creative family too. Some years ago after my wife's grandfather died we passed on his wood turning lathe to my Dad. It had always been a wish of his to try his hand at wood turning and  he has been creating beautiful handmade items ever since.


Hand Made Spoons

My brother also has the woodwork talent, preferring to do his work by hand. He has made numerous brilliant pieces, many of them for gifts, including a beautiful guitar for my Son. This utterly unique gift is something my little boy will treasure forever.

To me the idea of spending your time making something for a loved one is priceless. Particularly as our lives are often so busy and time itself can feel in short supply. 

So many of us, particularly during the festive period, are troubled with thoughts surrounding money, over consumerism and waste. Gift giving can often feel reduced to something we do out of obligation or reciprocity. By turning our hand to intentional and conscious creativity we are giving a beautiful gift to a loved one but we are also giving a gift to ourselves. 

Hand Made Knife Sheath

And I feel that no one understands this better than the people who have spent many hours whittling wood, making natural cordage, using fabrics and plant based dyes. Creating things with leather and metal. There are so many opportunities to put the skills you have acquired into gift making. 

Personally I have used natural cordage to make bracelets and ties for wrapped presents in place of traditional ribbon. I have used Spruce bark to make bowls and containers for table tops, carved spoons and trinkets, sewn leather pouches and small bags. I have even carved out small birch logs to make into paint brush holders for some artistic friends.

Hand Made Paintbrush Pot

The possibilities really are endless and I look forward to future creations I will make. So in this reflective time of year, instead of clicking online, why not look to your own hands and talents. You have the ability to make something extra special for someone you love. 

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