Join the Woodland Ways Team as we venture out to the cradle of human kind and the historic homeland of the Maasai as we visit the Rift Valley in Kenya and stay within a Maasai village. Throughout the expedition you will learn what it is like to be a Maasai, from the ancient traditions to the modern Maasai, you will be fully immersed into Africa and all its beauty.
Some of the proceeds for this trip go directly into funding projects within the community.
- In 2012 we financed the build of a single classroom school.
- Through 2013-16 we have financed the build of 3 more classrooms, have financed teachers salaries, purchased educational equipment and introduced a funded feeding program for the children.
- 2017 saw the introduction of solar panels, the build of toilets for the children and further training for the teachers.
Join the Woodland Ways Team as we venture out to the cradle of human kind and the historic homeland of the Maasai as we visit the Rift Valley in Kenya and stay within a Maasai village. Throughout the expedition you will learn what it is like to be a Maasai, from the ancient traditions to the modern Maasai, you will be fully immersed into Africa and all its beauty.
Some of the proceeds for this trip go directly into funding projects within the community.
- In 2012 we financed the build of a single classroom school.
- Through 2013-16 we have financed the build of 3 more classrooms, have financed teachers salaries, purchased educational equipment and introduced a funded feeding program for the children.
- 2017 saw the introduction of solar panels, the build of toilets for the children and further training for the teachers.

The trip begins in Nairobi, where we are met by our Maasai hosts and transported into the hills to look down over the Rift Valley, home of the Maasai culture, during this time you will also be introduced to a number of traditionally used medicinal plants. We stay for the first few nights in the Ngong Hills and you are invited each day into a typical African household where we eat and drink with our guide and his family.
Following two nights in a guest house we drive by 4x4 out to a remote Maasai village within the Rift Valley, via a traditional African market. This village is our home for the remainder of our stay. Upon arrival at your tented camp just outside the village you will meet the villages and they will help you build the traditional boma, an acacia fence to keep out the wildlife.

Duration of the trip
From day three through to day eleven we now remain with the villagers, as each day you immerse yourself in their traditions and culture.
Each day has a theme, you will trek with the Maasai 7 kilometres to the nearest water hole to bring supplies back to the village, you will learn the techniques for constructing a Maasai hut, you will learn traditional friction fire lighting techniques, we will visit Lake Magadi, home of flamingos, you will make your own Maasai jewellery to take away with you, and we will visit the Ollogersallie prehistoric archaeological site which holds the largest collection of hominid hand axes and other tools dating back over 500 000 years.
You will learn tracking skills as you immerse yourself into life in the village, indeed the village is surrounded by Giraffe, Bustard, Antelope, Hyena, Leopard and more. This is an insight into the wildlife of the area that is unimaginable for most people.

What to expect
Our time with the Maasai is organic and probably the most precious moments are those that are unplanned, for example taking tea inside the traditional Maasai home, or being asked to help with a herding task. We conclude with an afternoon of celebration (and quite possibly dancing/singing!).
We feast on the last evening and celebrate with our Hosts.
This expedition is completely unique and will be a once in a lifetime chance to immerse yourself into the Maasai culture. We operate in a very small group as a team and you will be expected to assist in all aspects of the trip, pushing vehicles when needed and herding goats as requested! Your money goes directly into the village, supporting people who really need it, and helping to protect a way of life. We do not do middle men... all your support goes into the village. When we told them we would help them build a school their eyes lit up... this is what adventure travel is all about for us... we will see you in Kenya!