This course will see you introduced to more detailed forestry operations as you discover the skills of processing wood following felling work.
From snedding to planking and more. Spend the day with our instructors, who have backgrounds in forestry, to process some of the raw material into manageable pieces appropriate for their intended use.
This course is not only suitable to bushcraft instructors and bushcraft enthusiasts, it is also suitable for those who maybe own their own small woodlands, and have an interest in how to process some of their materials safely, using the appropriate tools.
This course will see you introduced to more detailed forestry operations as you discover the skills of processing wood following felling work.
From snedding to planking and more. Spend the day with our instructors, who have backgrounds in forestry, to process some of the raw material into manageable pieces appropriate for their intended use.
This course is not only suitable to bushcraft instructors and bushcraft enthusiasts, it is also suitable for those who maybe own their own small woodlands, and have an interest in how to process some of their materials safely, using the appropriate tools.

When you arrive...
You will start the day by learning about the variety of cutting tools we will be using including axes, hatchets and splitting mauls as well as a variety of saws, their differences & how to select the appropriate tool for each task.We will spend the morning developing the skills required to safely buck, split and stack firewood of various grades as well as learning to identify the best firewood available.
With identification of trees we will also investigate the burning properties of various species.

Following lunch...
The afternoon will be spent adding further skills as well asconsolidating the morning's lessons.Our team will demonstrate and discuss techniques of stacking firewood and logs to allow them season rather than to rot, looking at methods from various parts of the Northern Hemisphere and the pros and cons involved with these methods.
To finish the day off, we will demonstrate how to maintain and care for your tools at the end of a days work. We will look at how we deal with potential bio security risks when moving tools from site to site, and how to mitigate those issues.This is a non-catered course so you will need to bring a packed lunch.