Using our many years of experience working in woodland environments, our team will work with you through this weekend on initially how to identify trees, utilising some of their unique "tricks" to open up the world of tree identification to you.
Of course, the practical aspect also includes a large amount of axe work during daylight hours. Here you will learn how to fell, limb, log up and split different woods using an axe in a safe, efficient and effective manner. We also cover appropriate tool choice and the legal framework surrounding the use of sharp edged tools.
Places on this course are severely restricted to ensure the quality and safety of the course information presented. This is a self-catered course.
Using our many years of experience working in woodland environments, our team will work with you through this weekend on initially how to identify trees, utilising some of their unique "tricks" to open up the world of tree identification to you.
Of course, the practical aspect also includes a large amount of axe work during daylight hours. Here you will learn how to fell, limb, log up and split different woods using an axe in a safe, efficient and effective manner. We also cover appropriate tool choice and the legal framework surrounding the use of sharp edged tools.
Places on this course are severely restricted to ensure the quality and safety of the course information presented. This is a self-catered course.

Get hands on experience
When it comes to practical skills, there are no substitutes for getting your hands dirty and getting stuck in. We will show you the safe techniques to using various tools, before you then practice these skills to really drive that information home.

Expanding your theoretical knowledge
You will also learn the language of trees, how they grow, how they react to environmental conditions, and then how they can be managed beneficially for the environment. All of these skills are learned in a practical setting, there is no "death by PowerPoint" here! You will be in the woods camping for the duration of the weekend, watching the woods, interpreting the woods, and truly connecting with the woodland environment.