Bill Burden
Growing up on a farm gave Bill a love of the countryside, and with a small wooded area adjoining the land, many an hour was passed building dens and tree houses.
Five years in the cadets added some basic skills in outdoor survival, camping, climbing and caving which culminated in being accepted on a British Schools Exploring Society expedition to Alaska for 6 weeks.
Before studying for a degree in Geography, Bill took a gap year to travel around the world. The wanderlust was never far from the surface and the opportunity to study martial arts in North America and Japan was too good to be true.
Finally at the ripe old age of 27, meeting the future wife meant getting a real job, which in turn lead to running a marketing company with said wife for nearly 20 years and, becoming a business coach along the way. Nothing lasts forever, some health issues caused the demise of the business and the marriage. Bill found himself without a job, and homeless, so bought a canal boat, and so started a return to a simpler life in nature.
At that time a friend introduced Bill to a Woodland Ways course and the feeling of coming home was complete. After just that one course, Bill signed up for the 2 year Woodland Wayer 2018 intake and was accepted on to the Apprenticeship towards the end of 2019. The best laid plan for 2020 of some 20+ weekends in the woods to cement and further the knowledge gained on the Wayer was curtailed by the Covid pandemic. The year wasn't wasted, typing up and researching to expand notes taken on the Wayer, and making a start on reading and understanding the requirements of the Apprenticeship.