Emmy Broadhead
Emmy grew up in Macclesfield, Cheshire and like many, she felt a strong affiliation for the outdoors from a young age, having been fortunate to grow up with a garden that backed onto ancient woodland. From her earliest days she can remember feeling simultaneously both excited and calm amongst the trees and has always been fascinated with biodiversity and nature and our place in the world. However, she didn't really know where to take this and for many years was led to believe that a career in the outdoors was not a viable option.
After years living in the city studying International Politics and then Fine Art before working as a tattooist and funeral arranger she felt completely spiritually broken and with no idea where she was headed got on a ferry to France and cycle toured with a tipi, wild camping, volunteering at various projects and working in vineyards.
After attending a Rainbow Gathering in the Alps she ended up living off grid in a yurt in the forest in Provence, which opened her eyes to a completely different way of living. Guided by the knowledge of those around her, for two years she lived almost completely without money, getting water from springs and foraging, growing, volunteering for a seed activist organisation and skip diving for all her food and resources.
After a further few years living in off grid in communities in Spain and then tattooing her way around South East Asia, she returned to the UK just before the Covid lockdown which halted her onward travel plans.
She then settled in Derbyshire and struggling to adapt back to a 'conventional' life felt like she had a lightbulb moment from the first time that encountered Woodland Ways. After attending several courses, she realised that she had found something very special and the community and purpose that she had been looking for in the UK. She was subsequently very happy and humbled to be accepted onto the apprenticeship in 2023.
She continues to work in the funeral sector and as a 'machine free' tattooist alongside her apprenticeship with Woodland Ways and believes that there is a continuous thread through all these disciplines, which all explore connection to source. Her area of particular interest within bushcraft is in hide and bonework.
She is passionate about empowering people to think independently, to see the wonder of their own existence, the beauty to be found in the world around and to value everything for its own sake, which she believes helps them to live a more fulfilled life and the world a better and kinder place for all its inhabitants.