Ian Nairn
Ian has had a love of the woods since his early childhood. Spending many summers in the Lake District or Scotland, camping with his parents, Ian's love of the outdoors sprouted and grew continuously. His father bought him his first knife at the age of 5 and taught him the importance of this vital tool.
Ian was fortunate to have an upbringing that allowed him to follow this passion and he spent many hours lost in woodlands, building shelters, watching birds and animals. Camping trips with his father became more basic with a back to nature, foraging and fishing for food theme; Ian was "doing" bushcraft before it was called bushcraft.
Through school and college where evenings and weekends would be spent camping out or on trips with pals up in the Lakeland fells and forests. New books became his guide such as the SAS survival handbook and Raymond (as he was known then) Mears Outdoor Survival Handbook were always close to hand.
Ian attended survival courses and bushcraft skill courses with companies throughout the UK and has been a writer and contributor for Bushcraft & Survival Skills magazine since issue 5 - he is now the longest standing writer for the magazine, currently with his Bushcraft on a Budget articles. It was whilst working at an outdoor show for Bushcraft & Survival Skills Magazine Ian was introduced to Jason Ingamells. Ian saw in Jason a depth of knowledge and skill he wanted to attain. Jason saw the passion Ian had for the subject and his desire to learn, a bond was formed that later enabled Ian to join the Woodland Ways team. Ian joined on the apprentice scheme and learned from the team and worked alongside the people he had come to admire so much.
Sacrificing time off work and holidays to attend as many courses as possible Ian began to learn many of the skills that had eluded him in his previous trials. Absorbing the information being taught and getting hands on dirt time made a massive improvement to Ian's skill set. Not only learning in UK woodlands, but traveling on the Sahara desert expedition broadened Ian's skills and knowledge. Whilst in the Sahara Ian achieved a goal of fire using a hand drill made with local resources under the excellent tuition of Adam Logan. Since this time he has also travelled several times to the stunning wilderness of Sweden on our canoe expedition as both a customer and an instructor. Also to Croatia's Rjisnak Forest with the team, tracking European Brown Bear and Wolf. Ian also assisted on our Mojave Road expedition traveling in the deserts of California & Nevada following the Mojave Road Trail. Not only has Ian enjoyed desert travel, he also has been on winter trips to Sweden, snow shoeing over the frozen lakes and landscape pulling all the equipment needed on homemade sleds, wearing mainly homemade clothing and equipment. In 2019 Ian fulfilled a lifetime ambition when he was able to travel to Canada and be a support medic on our Yukon River expedition, canoeing 484 miles on the mighty Yukon River from Whitehorse to Dawson City.
Ian was awarded his Woodland Ways Instructors shirt in 2015, following over 3 years of formal training meaning that as well as continuing on his own learning journey he passes on his highly regarded skills to our clients.
Ian has a high level of first aid training, being initially First aid at work trained for many years, then progressing on to a REC 2 (Remote Emergency Care) qualification and then attending Glenmore Lodge to attain the WMT (Wilderness Medical Training) Far From Help and Advanced Medicine course. Enabling him to be a support medic on some of the above mentioned expeditions.
Ian still understands the need for continuous training and personal development and as such he has used his holidays and time in between work to undertake more training and instruction from some of the industry's leading figures, not just here in the UK but abroad too. Including a stay at the home of Cody Lundin of Aboriginal Living Skills in Arizona USA. He has completed the IOL Bushcraft Competency Certificate. He also undertook a personal mission to dispel some of the myths around friction fire lighting and through study, learning and hours of practice has regularly managed to get embers with many combinations that are said "not" to work, be it hand or bow drill, Ian will usually be able to get an ember. His passion for friction fire has allowed him to succeed with many techniques including bow drill, hand drill, fire plough, fire saw, strap drill, pump drill and more.
Among Ian's passions are wood carving and he is able to produce some beautiful items including a hand carved canoe paddle that is on display at The Eden project. He is a very hands on person and will turn his hand to many craft based items be these from wood, bark, natural cordage, leather or buckskin. He is quite a tailor too, making many of his own items of clothing and footwear which he is proud to say are used to their full potential in some harsh environments including the cold of -23C in Sweden where these items kept him warm and dry.
Ian's passion and enthusiasm for all things bushcraft and wilderness travel are even stronger now than they have ever been and he loves to pass on that passion and knowledge.