Paul Dixon
Paul rekindled a life-long love of the outdoors after moving to his current home in the beautiful Derwent Valley 16 years ago. Surrounded by woodland he is able to spend as much time as possible out of doors and many peaceful nights in his hammock.
In 2022 he made the life changing decision to undertake the Northern Forest Year Course and spent the following 12 months learning and growing. Building a shelter to sleep in for the duration and developing numerous skills. Paul is fortunate to share a close family connection with an internationally renowned blacksmith and through work in his forge has fostered a great love for smithing. Using these skills he made his first axe which he used throughout his year in Scotland.
Working closely with a local forest school he has been able to see firsthand the importance of an outdoor education. Watching his son grow and thrive through years in this environment and seeing him able, at 7, to light a fire in a snow storm using a ferro rod has helped to instil a love of teaching and of passing on knowledge. It is this joy at seeing people learn and take away tangible, usable skills that has led Paul to grasp eagerly the opportunity to be an apprentice for Woodland Ways.